Optics are the pictures that paint a thousand words when shared with the World - in this Age of IPhones and Digital Media. They can be helpful or harmful … good or bad … instantly carrying your Message or Image to the Worldwide Audience (that’s carrying you in their pocket).
Likewise, messaging your Business Model in an appropriate, clear and consistent format - can create momentous new business development. Search Engines feed on words and distinct terminology. Thus, the repetitive use of certain phrases or terms can open doors or windows that could lead to unlimited opportunities.
There is one Catch 22 here however that must be considered and taken very seriously: Proper Protocol & Risk.
For example, if one simply ‘Posts to Post’, an intelligent audience will take note and simply turn off your feed. You will be discarded as fast as unwanted Spam. Personally, I do it all the time. Why? Well, because just like everyone else in this Business World 🌎 … I’m selfish with my Time. If you’re successful in what you’re doing - you simply don’t have any other choice. You learn, adapt, and grow accustomed to the required protocols when communicating with your colleagues (and simply adhere to them).
Finally, a clearly thought through strategy and strict adherence to its - Theme - will draw an audience or following. I.E.: An early morning Boston AM Radio Commentator comes to my mind. I turn on and listen to him daily - because he shares information that I can take advantage of. Local weather, traffic, etc. Things/events that could have a meaningful impact on my Efficiencies and Time Management for that workday.
Effective Optics in social media - can and do work in the same manner as a Radio Broadcaster/Personality - for people who could benefit from your Business. How you structure your - consistent approach or pitch to them - will dictate their collective perception and complete the finished Mold of your persistent Optical Image.
If what you are Sharing is relevant and holds value - people will take notice - and your bottom line will be the beneficiary. You will be taken seriously, respectfully and not dismissed as an Optical Illusion.