Brand Matters…
The Millennial Mindset is centered on Ease of Access. This is the environment that it grew up in. Everything is accessible – if – the correct words are just properly placed into the Algorithm. Thus…
95/5 Rule – Replacing the 80/20 Principle
I can still see his dark beady eyes darting left and right with excitement as he gestured with his arms and hands to make his points. He was the literal young ITW Management ‘Shooting Star’. He was…
Summer Sell Mode
Last Thursday was a warm, and very humid summer day in the North East corner of the U.S. I arose from my bed very early with the birds and was on the road by 5:27AM. I had a 6 hour drive minimum ahead of me and two 50 pound ‘cherished’ sample VFFS trial film rolls in tow. One in my passenger seat, the other directly behind it in the back.